Easter Sunday 2009

So, I have to do two posts today, because I can't pass up the opportunity to show off my little girls in their Easter garb.

I was up on Sunday morning at 7am (those of you who know me well know what a HUGE sacrifice this was). Had to get ready fast so I had a good hour to do everyone's hair. Normally, hair isn't one of my top priorities on Sunday mornings. We are lucky if it's brushed let alone all up in little "things". Also, I'm just not that good at doing hair. I have very little patience, and my fingers don't work like they should. And what luck that I have two daughters with the hair swirl in the back, which translated means, "Impossible to part." Everyone else at church has these perfect parts down the scalp, my kids, looks like a zigzag on crack....

Anyway, back to my story. So, I had an hour to do hair, right? Wrong. At 8:30am, I had finished Braelin's hair and started on Devrie's. She would not sit still. I had this lattice idea that I had found on a blog from a mom that knows what she is doing, and I will tell you: "Do not attempt this when you are running late or pregnant". I started to go to a very bad place when she wouldn't sit still, and I couldn't get the piggy's to criss cross. I started to get the sweats, and it was looking like she might have to go with her "helmet hair" to church. Thankfully, I pulled it together, and this is how we ended up at church...10 minutes late:

What I Wish I Could Do!

I know I am not the only one out there who at times wishes they were doing something else. Like, I really look at certain people and think, "How'd they get THAT gig?"

For example: Samantha Brown from the Travel Channel. I mean, she gets PAID (and I'm sure it's A LOT) to go on all these fabulous vacations, eat great food, get all kinds of spa treatments...this is her job, people. How can I get one of those? I could totally do that.

Why can't I make lots of money by making invitations like the one I did today for a friend?
I'm so jealous of people who get to be cute and creative at work all day...how fun would that be?

Or how about this...You are a divemaster, and you get paid to go scuba diving every day of your life....seriously?

Now, I am NOT complaining about my job...especially in this economy and during such uncertain times, but it's alright to dream, and I am gonna do it!

I will say that my little company has been so good for me in this respect. It has been so fun to be creative and build something from nothing that people not only appreciate, but that they are actually buying! That is something to be excited about. Now, if I can just get enough people to buy all of them that are sitting in my garage...I might have room for my scuba diving equipment in there!
